Kerry Spina
Founder & Creator Kids in Harmony
Kerry is the founder and creator of the very successful and innovative Kids in Harmony music and values program in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Kerry grew her starter up business in 2003 and over the past 14 years has developed her services to creating and providing values and mindfulness resources and coaching and education services to parents and schools. Kerry knows full well the energy and trust required to reach her dreams while choosing a positive, connected parenting approach.
With her commitment to parent support and early childhood wellbeing Kerry has training and qualifications in professional coaching and counselling, Diploma of Counselling, Cert 4 in Coaching, Advanced training in ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Choice Theory and Lead Management – William Glasser, Certified Parenting Educator with Parent Talk System Trainer, 1 – 2 – 3 Magic Facilitator, Fun Friends Facilitator and is a qualified adult and children’s yoga teacher. Kerry is currently studying a Diploma in Positive Psychology.
Kerry takes a values, mindset and mindfulness-based approach to all of her work and has had the privilege of supporting over thousands of families as well as educators, day care professionals and schools Australia wide.